90-Day Brand Builder:
Spark growth, attract success

Your tech business will gain traction in the minds of potential clients, customers, and investors.

Does this sound familiar?

Imagine reaching people looking for exactly what you have to offer – without a huge effort

Attract customers and funding

By highlighting your unique value throughout everything you do

Lower cost per acquisition

With messaging that sets you apart from the competition

Customers buy more, more often

Because they connect with your brand on a deep, personal level

Brand Builder

Our simple, step-by-step process helps your brand go from vague, to intriguing.

Takes your communications from quick-and-dirty, to impressive.

And takes your conversations from talking at people, to being understood.

Sounds pretty cool, right?

Schedule a 15-minute call to see how this unique branding program can jump-start your new business with investors, clients, and customers.

How it works

Together, we'll follow a proven, three-phase process to develop a brand that's all about your extraordinary value. You'll have a unique and professional brand presence, persuasive messaging, and all the tools you'll need to stay polished and consistent.

A founder collaborating on a brand strategy that attracts customers and investors

Use your unique identity, story, and positioning to create an extraordinary brand that people love

  • Brand personality definition
  • Visual identity: logos, fonts, palette, and graphic elements
  • Brand messaging platform: your promise, position, and key messages

Communicate your value easily, consistently, and effectively to build authority and trust

  • Easy-to-follow brand guide for you and your team
  • Standard templates for effortless quality
  • Basic website and social properties
Connect with websites and social media
Grow: celebrate your launch

Launch and promote your business to investors, customers, and the community

  • High-converting sales pitch
  • Sell sheet and business card designs to make introducing your business fast and easy
  • Launch announcements and social posts
Everything you need.
Nothing you don't.

At the end of 90 days, your new business will have the practical assets and direction you need to launch your brand, and to keep everyone on your team aligned.

We'll get you online, social, and ready to walk into a pitch meeting or sales call.

We won't give you 50-page strategy decks.

And you know what? None of our clients miss them.

Let's start with a quick call to learn your business goals and help you set a plan for how to reach them.

Portrait of the CEO
We help people get you

The things that make your business different from your competition are exactly what people are looking for.

When a company stands out for how it helps people reach their goals — that's what attracts interest and persuades people to buy.

We help you — and your team — show and say what problems you solve and how you make your customers' lives better.



Is your startup ready for launch?

The Startup Brand Checklist helps you avoid the pitfalls that many founders encounter while creating and launching their new brand. You'll know:

  • The questions you – and your team – must be able to answer
  • Which visual branding elements to develop
  • Which tools and assets to have ready for your team on day one
  • What you can ignore right now
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